The azo dye azorubine is made up of two naphthalene subunits. Red color, solid. It is mostly used in foods that undergo heat treatment following fermentation. Its E-number is E-122 and it is Halal if used as a 100% dry color. But if used as liquid color there should be an assurity that the solvent used in it is Halal to conclude the usage of E122 Halal.
What Is E122?
Food color 122 is an additive that gives food products their color. It is a synthetic red colorant that is a member of the azo dye family. It comes from coal tar and is primarily used in the confectionery sector. It is primarily used with fermented foods that need additional heating.
Red synthetic coal tar food coloring E122 has high water solubility. It frequently appears in fermented foods that need to undergo heat treatment.
The names that are commonly used for E122 are Carmoisine and Azorubin. The European Union has given the food additive E122 its approval (EU). It serves as a synthetic coloring agent in cosmetics, culinary, and beverage applications. While the countries like the US, Sweden, Norway, and Austria, have restricted the use of E122.
E122 Halal or Haram?
Just like other Azo dyes, the origin of E122 is also coal tar which makes it vegan and Halal to use. But its usage as a powder makes it halal and a chemical dye. Only when Halal solvents are employed is liquid color considered Halal. It is a component of hot, fermented foods that might not be halal.
How E122 Is Made?
The Azorubine (carmoisine, E122 food additive) is a member of the family of azo colorants, which are artificial red tinting agents. The E122 additive’s molecular structure is C20H12N2Na2O7S2. Azorubine is a product of coal tar. The E122 food coloring is often provided as edetate disodium, a powder that ranges in color from red to dark maroon. For coloring products that undergo heat treatment following fermentation.
Is E122 Vegan?
Even though the ingredient isn’t made from animal products, it is made from animal by-products, making it vegan and vegetarian.
However, it does seem that this chemical can also be made without using animals, therefore some producers may make a dye without using animals!
It’s vital to remember that E122 does not have to be stated on the product label, just like all other food additives. This implies that you might be eating it covertly!
Is E122 Harmful?
There are certain restrictions to its usage, but there is no proof that carmoisine is dangerous in any manner. A minor quantity of the chemical benzidine, which has been known to cause cancer when consumed often and for extended periods, is present in carmoisine.
Some believe that E122 can aggravate asthma and trigger allergic responses in people who are sensitive to aspirin. E122 is suspected of making kids more hyperactive when combined with benzoates. Due to E122’s coloring being an azo dye, people who are intolerant to salicylates may also be intolerant to it.
Usage Of E122
Carmoisine gives a variety of food products their color. Red velvet cake mix, cherry cobbler recipes, maraschino cherries, grapefruit pieces, and grapefruit drinks are a few examples of items that fit this description.
Because of its specific shade, it is also employed in food colors for candies, jams, and jellies. Raspberry jam’s “red” color is mostly due to its brilliant pink hue.
The most likely ingredient to be E122 rather than carmine or other non-vegan alternatives to E122 is a red product, that has undergone processing, but isn’t glossy.
Final Words
The Azo dye E122 is halal if the dye is used as dry color but there can be some complications and it can be Masbooh if the solvent in the liquid dye is not derived from halal ingredients.
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