Every year, Muslims throughout the world embrace the holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of compassion, a time when we can come closer to Allah (SWT) and be pardoned for our sins by performing the most basic of acts. Allah has blessed His followers with the benefits and advantages of fasting. Ramadan, the month of fasting, is split into three parts, known as “Ashras” in Arabic. Each Ashra lasts around ten days (1st Ashra, 2nd Ashra and 3rd Ashra) and comes with a variety of blessings and benefits. 1st Ashra of Ramadan is called days of mercy. In this article, we’ll see how the first Ashra of Ramadan enlightens the life of a Muslim.

The holy month of Ramadan is a blessing as a whole but every Ashra has its own importance. Without a question, Ramadan is full of prosperity, kindness, blessings, and repentance. From a historical point of view, the Quran was originally revealed during the Holy Month of Ramadan as a source of guidance and illumination for all of mankind. Fasting in this month is mandatory for all Muslims, as said in Quran:

“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious).”

The Prophet (PBU) said, the first ten days of Ramadan are the greatest time to pursue this mercy:

‘And it is a month in which the first (part) is mercy, the second (part) is forgiveness, and the third (part) escapes from the Fire.’ (Ibn Khuzaimah)

1st Ashra of RamadanDays of Mercy

The first Ashra lasts from the first through the tenth day of Ramadan. These days of  Mercy are the first 10 days of Ramadan. During these days, every Muslim should beg Almighty Allah’s mercy. Reading the Holy Quran is also essential, as is making as many duas as possible, for Allah likes people who plead in front of Him. Before Ramadan finishes, the three Ashras provide chances to gain benefits.

Dua for 1st Ashra

وَقُل رَّبِّ اغْفِرْ وَارْحَمْ وَأَنتَ خَيْرُ الرَّاحِمِينَ



“O! My Lord forgives and have Mercy and You are the Best of Merciful”

Lessons for First Ashra

While you seek Allah’s mercy, be merciful to your fellow humans. Allah undoubtedly blesses those who treat others well. In reality, first Ashra’s goal is to cultivate mercy and kindness toward our fellow humans. We can enumerate some of the many teachings that the 1st Ashra gives us as follows:

  • Allah amplifies our good actions, expunges our sins, and raises our ranks throughout the month of Ramadan. This month is named from the fact that it cleanses us of our sins and allows us to perform more good activities during the holy month.
  • During the holy month of Ramadan, the believers seek to purify their bodies and souls, as well as to broaden their “Taqwa”.
  • Everyone should learn to manage their rage and aggressiveness, and treat fellow Muslims with respect. After all, this is the actual meaning and goal of the whole month of Ramadan.
  • To meet the needs of the first Ashra, we should do charity by assisting individuals whenever and wherever we are able.
  • Because Taraweeh is a Ramadan-only prayer, it’s only logical that it comes with a slew of additional privileges and incentives. These would assist in spiritually receiving the benefits of Ramadan.
  • We invoke Almighty’s Grace and Favors upon ourselves by providing charity. It is the most beloved deed of Allah.
  • It is a proven fact that when we provide charity to others, we receive mercy in return. Compassion is always reciprocated by more kindness. There are lots of hadith and benefits of charity in Islam.
  • We regard the first 10 days to be the days of an embodiment of mercy. Allah pours His inexhaustible bounties on everyone who seeks it and strives to be among the blessed.
  • Spend the effort during the first Ashra to visit or phone distant family members, since being near to your relations will bring you closer to Allah.
  • The most essential lessons taught by 1st Ashra are tolerance and establishing decent manners.

Importance for 1st Ashra of Ramadan

The first 10 days of Ramadan feel like a make-or-break period. The majority of Ramadan is automatically handled if one adjusts to a pattern that includes all of the mandatory and supplementary prayers, as well as providing a chance to repent for the past and seek Allah’s kindness and compassion in the future. For any Muslim who wishes to spend his or her days in the contemplation of Allah, interrupting such a delightful pattern is just impossible. These 10 days prepare a Muslim for the next two Ashra, which are focused on forgiveness and salvation from the fires of hell.

1st Ashra of Ramadan in Light of Ahadees

How can we figure out what each Ashra is for? It is hadith knowledge that enriches us on this subject. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“It (Ramadan) is the month in which mercy is at the beginning, forgiveness is at the center, and escape from the flames (of hell) is at the termination.” Vol. 93, Pg. 34, Bihar al-Anwar

Now is the time for making sure you beg Allah (SWT) for compassion during these 10 days. Wishing for it isn’t going to cut it! Although some of you may already be aware, we thought it would be beneficial to review the dua for the first Ashra of Ramadan. From Arabic to English, the literal meaning is as follows:

“I seek assistance in your kindness, O Living, O Eternal.”

It’s a good idea to make it a habit to say this dua before and after each prayer. There is no need for how many times it should be stated during the day!


The first 10 days of Ramadan are known as the Days of Compassion, and Muslims use this time to seek Allah’s mercy by reciting the Ramadan first Ashra dua. People are yearning for forgiveness that manifests itself in the form of kindness during the first Ashra of Ramadan. During the first ten days of Ramadan, Muslims should read the first Ashra dua as much as possible.

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