In Islam, there are five pillars, and one of them is Kalima. This is the fundamental pillar of Islam, and it is not complete without it. The obligation or requirement to embrace the faith of Islam is known as Kalima. It defines who a Muslim is and what his beliefs are. And then he goes about his matters in accordance with it. The first Kalima really refers to a “statement of faith.” This type of testimonial is referred to as “iman e mujammill” by the jurists (a brief expression of faith). A man enters the shelter of Islam just by bearing testimony to the truth. Kalima is a sacred proclamation or testament, and when one says it willingly, he takes on a significant amount of responsibility. The kalima must rule over him for the rest of his life.

There are 6 Kalimas in Islam, having their own meaning and importance. The first kalma tayyab signifies “purity word.” The second kalma shahadat is a faith proclamation (shahada). The other three kalimas are azkar (remembrance of Allah), which emphasize the necessity of worshipping and requesting Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala for pardon.

What is First Kalima?(Kalima Tayyab)

The First Kalima in Islam is known as “Kalima Tayyab” kalima tayyab signifies “purity word.” which represents the first pillar of Islam.

لآ اِلَهَ اِلّا اللّهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُوُل اللّهِ

                   “Laa ilaaha illal Lahoo Mohammadur Rasool Ullah

The first Kalima Tayyab is split into two parts, one regarding Allah and the other about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The first half expresses the notion of Allah’s oneness (Tauheed), that there is no God but Him, and that every Muslim believes in Him and accepts His sovereignty. The second portion of the First Kalima symbolizes the belief that Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is Allah’s last prophet and messenger, and that no prophet will come after him (Risalat). Every Muslim must learn both of these notions if he or she wants to protect himself in this world as well as in the next.

Translation in English

“(There is) none worthy of worship except Allah. Muhammad (PBUH) is Messenger of ALLAH.”

Translation In Urdu

“Nahi hey koi mabood siwaye Allah k (aur) Muhammad (sal-allahu-alayhi-waallyhi-wsalum) Allah k Rasool hen”

Concept of 1st Kalima

There are two basic and fundamental conditions to be a Muslim or Muhammadan;

  1. Oneness of Allah Almighty.
  2. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the last prophet of Allah.

In simple terms, a Muslim is someone who follows the Islam faith and believes that there is only one God and that Muhammad PBUH is His Prophet. A person like this might be a Muslim by birth or a Muslim via conversion. He does not have to follow any specific procedures or practices, but he must be an obedient follower of that religion; no court may judge the sincerity of religious belief. It is sufficient if the person confesses Islam in the sense that he acknowledges Allah’s oneness and Muhammad (PBUH) is the Prophet of Allah

Is 1st Kalma mentioned in Qur’an?

The kalma tayyab is not stated together in the Holy Qur’an. The first section (La illah ha illal Allah) is repeated several times, while the second half (Mohammad dur Rasul Allah) is in Surah 48 ayah 29.

Benefits of In The Light of Hadiths

The following Hadiths demonstrate the relevance and importance of the First Kalima:

The Holy Prophet (SAW) stated:

“Insist that your dying loved ones recite La ilaha illallah.” (1444 Sunan Ibn Majah)

In addition, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) stated:

“Whoever declares and acknowledges that there is no god but Allah is admitted to Paradise, even if he commits adultery and theft (i.e. severe crimes).” (From Abu al-Darda’, Nasa’i, Tabarani, and others – sahih)

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) stated about 1st Kalima that:

“Whoever believes there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad (SAW) is Allah’s Messenger, Allah prohibits the HellFire to affect him.”

Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from `Ubada ibn al-Samit

According to Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri, who quoted Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) saying “O Lord!” Teach me something with which I may remember You and supplicate You. “Say, ‘La ilaha ill Allah,’ O Musa,” Allah said. He (Musa) answered, “This is what all of your servants say.” “If the seven Heavens and those who dwell in them other than Me and the seven Earths were placed in one pan (of the scale) and ‘La ilaha ill Allah’ was placed in the other,’La ilaha ill Allah’ would be heavier,” he (Allah) declared. (narrated by Jabir bin `Abdullah)

It was narrated from Mu’adh bin Jabal that the:

Messenger of Allah(ﷺ) said: “There is no soul that died bearing witness to La ilaha illallah, and that I am the Messenger of Allah, from the heart with certainty, but Allah will forgive it.” (Sunan Ibn Majah 3796)

Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:

“Islam is based upon five: the testimony of La Ilaha Illallah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, the establishment of the Salat, giving the Zakat, fasting (the month of) Ramadan, and performing Hajj to the House.” (Jami At-Tirmidhi 2609)

How Kalma Tayyab Impacts the life of a Muslim?

Every Muslim should make it a habit to recite the First Kalma Tayyab in its entirety on a regular basis. Its repetition is useful not only in the present but also in the life after death. The following are some of the effects of Kalima Tayyab on a Muslim’s life:

  • Its continuous recitation serves as a reminder that our creator is only He, Allah.
  • The first Kalma is the most significant distinction between a Muslim and a non-Muslim.
  • It states that Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is Allah’s last messenger.
  • Reciting it on a routine basis connects a Muslim to the notion of Tauheed.
  • After believing in it, a Muslim conducts his entire life in accordance with it.
  • A Momin’s faith is strengthened by the First Kalma.


First Kalima Tayyab plays an important part in the lives of all people and reinforces our faith in Islam’s first pillar. If Muslim wishes to safeguard his life in both Duniya and Akhirat, he must recite it on a regular basis as a key concept and objective.

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