In the Noble Quran, Surah Fajr, or Surat al-Fajr, also known as Surah of Imam Hussain, is one of the short Makki surahs in the last juz’ (30th section). During Fajr, God swears by the dawn, which is why it is called Fajr. The following topics are discussed and these topics are mainly benefits:
- Disbelieving nations’ fate
- When God’s blessings are enjoyed or deprived, man’s foolishness is revealed
- A lack of attention to orphans and the needy, as well as greedily claiming inheritance by men
- Qiyamah’s events
- On that day, God punished humanity severely
- In the desire to please God, the “Soul at peace” (Imam Hussain) enters paradise.
Benefits of Surah Al-Fajr
Here are some benefits of reciting surah Al-Fajr.
1. For Forgiveness of Sins
It has been revealed to the Prophet Muhammad that those who recite Surah Al-Fajr in the first ten days of Dhu al-ijjah will have their sins forgiven, and if they recite it at other times, they will obtain illumination on the Day of Judgment. (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 24, p. 93.)
2. Being in God’s Protection:
If one recites Surah Fajr during dawn, or after fajr prayer, he is safe from danger until the next morning.
3. At the Day of Judgement with Imam Husayn
Our Beloved Imam Jaffar Sadiq (Radi Allahu Tala Anhu) Said:
Urged believers to recite this Surah Fajr in their prayers since it is the Surah of our Beloved Imam Hussain (Radi Allahu Tala Anhu), and whoever recites it often will be present on the Day of Judgement with Imam Husayn (a.s.).
A person who recites this Surah will often be accompanied by Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A).
4. Having Children
Those who write this surah and keep it with them will have a child who will provide comfort to them. Tafsir al-Burhan, vol. 5, p. 649.
5. For Reward like Hajj and Umrah
Whoever prays Fajr in congregation, then sits remembering Allah until the sun has risen, then he prays two Rak’ah, then for him is the reward like that of a Hajj and Umrah. (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 586)
6. Saving from Hell
One of our holy Imams has said, “Whoever recites surah Fajr often will enter paradise with Imam Hussain (AS).” Furthermore, his holiness has said:
“Recite surah Fajr in your obligatory and recommended prayers because it is the surah of Hussain son of ‘Ali.”
One of those present there asked his holiness, “Why is this surah called the surah of Imam Hussain? His holiness replied, “Have you not heard this part of the verse and word of God that states, “O soul at peace! Return to your Lord, pleased and pleasing! Then enter among My servants, and enter My paradise!”
Facts About Surah Al-Fajr
Surah Al-Fajr is in juz’ 30 of the Quran, 89th Surah. It begins with God swearing by five things: dawn, ten nights, evens, and odds, and the night when it departs. As a result, God punished wrongdoers for their disbelief, despite their physical and technological superiority. When a man is tested, God also speaks about his lack of understanding. Lastly, it discusses the Day of Judgment and man’s regret and the entry of one specific soul into paradise, which is that of Imam Hussain.
Surah Al-Fajr Main Points
- Allah perfectly created everything.
- The reflection of Allah’s creation teaches man about Him.
- Night and day are examples of Allah’s greatness.
- Man’s knowledge surpasses that of animals due to the creation of Allah.
- Man’s life is meaningless if he does not think about the Hereafter because he has no aims to accomplish.
- Faith in Allah is the basis for faith in the Hereafter as well.
- This world is temporary, whereas the Hereafter is eternal.
- Disbelievers are the only ones who can disobey Allah.
- It is then described how people view the world.
- Transgression and tyranny are also discussed.
Hadiths About Surah Al-Fajr
It was narrated that Jabir said:
“Muadh stood up and prayed Isha’, and made it lengthy. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: ‘Do you want to cause hardship to the people, O Mu’adh; do you want to cause hardship to the people O Mu’adh? Why didn’t you recite ‘Glorify the Name of your Lord Most High’ or Ad-Dhuha or; ‘When the heaven is cleft asunder? Book 11, Hadith 998.