Do you know how many Makki and Madani Surah are there in the Quran? The Quran contains 114 Surahs in total(one hundred and fourteen). 89 surahs are Makki and 25 surahs are madani.

There are 114 chapters in the Quran, some of which are Makki and some of which are Madani. The Quran is Islam’s sacred literature, a book that Muslims believe was revealed by Allah.

The word “Quran” literally means “recitation.” Ayats are the verses that make up each surah. In the Quran, certain surahs are Makki surahs and others are Madani surahs.

List Of Makki and Madni Surah In the Quran

Sura No. Sura Name Makki or Madani No. of Verses Disagreement?
1 Al-Fatiha (The Opening) Makki 7 Disputed
2 Al Baqarah (TheCow) Madani 286
3 Al Imran (The Family of’ Imraan) Madani 200
4 An-Nisa‘ (Women) Madani 176
5 Al-Maidah (The Table Spread) Madani 120
6 ‘An-‘aam (Cattle) Makki 165
7 ‘A’-raaf (The Heights) Makki 206
8 Al-Anfaal (Spoils of War) Madani 75
9 At-Tawbah (Repentance) Madani 129
10 Al-Yunus (Jonah) Makki 109
11 Huud (Hud) Makki 123
12 Al-Yusuf (Joseph) Makki 111
13 Ra’d (TheThunder) Madani 43 Disputed
14 ‘Ibraahim (Abraham) Makki 52
15 Al-Hijr (The Rocky Tract) Makki 99
16 Nahl (The Bee) Makki 128 Disputed
17 Bani-‘Is-raaa-‘iil (TheChildrenof’Israel) Makki 111
18 Al Kahf (The Cave) Makki 110
19 Maryam (Mary) Makki 98
20 Taha (Ta-Ha) Makki 135
21 ‘Ambiyaa’ (The Prophets) Makki 112
22 Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) Madani 78 Disputed
23 Mu’-minuun (The Believers) Makki 118
24 An-Noor (Light) Madani 64
25 Al-Furqan (The Criterion of Right and Wrong) Makki 77
26 Shu-‘araaa’ (The Poets) Makki 227
27 An-Naml (The Ant) Makki 93
28 Qasas (The Story) Makki 88
29 ‘Ankabut (The Spider) Makki 69 Disputed
30 Ruum (Romans) Makki 60
31 Luqmaan (Luqman) Makki 34
32 Sajdah (The Prostration) Makki 30
33 ‘Ahzaab (The Clans) Madani 73
34 Saba’ (Saba) Makki 54
35 Faatir (The Angels) Makki 45
36 Yaseen (YaSin) Makki 83
37 Sahafat (Those Who Set The Ranks) Makki 182
38 Saaad (Saad) Makki 88
39 Zumar (The Troops) Makki 75
40 Al-Mu’min (The Believer) Makki 85
41 Fussilat (They are Expounded) Makki 54
42 Shuurah (Counsel) Makki 53
43 Zukhruf(Ornaments of Gold) Makki 89
44 Dukhaan (Smoke) Makki 59
45 Jasiyah (Crouching) Makki 37
46 ‘Ahqaf (The Wind-Curved Sandhills) Makki 35
47 Muhammad (Muhammad) Madani 38 Disputed
48 Fat-h (Victory) Madani 29
49 Hujurat (The Private Apartments) Madani 18
50 Qaaaf (Qaf) Makki 45
51 Zaarayaat (The Winnowing Winds) Makki 60
52 Tuur (The Mount) Makki 49
53 Najm (The Star) Makki 62
54 Al-Qamar (The Moon) Makki 55
55 Ar Rahman (The Benficent) Madani 78 Disputed
56 Al-Waqiah(The Event) Makki 96
57 Hadiid (Iron) Madani 29
58 Majaadalah (She That Disputeth) Madani 22
59 Hashr (Exile) Madani 24
60 Mumtahanah (She That Is To Be Examined) Madani 13
61 Saff (The Ranks) Madani 14 Disputed
62 Al-Jummah (The Congregation) Madani 11
63 Munafiqun (The Hypocrites) Madani 11
64 Taghabun (Mutual Disillusion) Madani 18 Disputed
65 At-Talaq (Divorce) Madani 12
66 Tahriim (Banning) Madani 12
67 Al Mulk (The Sovereignty) Makki 30
68 Qalam (The Pen) Makki 52
69 Haqqah (The Reality) Makki 52
70 Ma-‘aarij (The Asending Stairways) Makki 44
71 Nuuh (Noah) Makki 28
72 Al-Jinn (TheJinn) Makki 28
73 Muzammil (The Enshrouded One) Makki 20
74 Muddassir (The Cloaked One) Makki 56
75 Qiyamah (The Risingofthe Dead) Makki 40
76 ‘InsaanorDahr (Time or Man) Madani 31 Disputed
77 Mursalat (The Emissaries) Makki 50
78 Naba’ (The Tidings) Makki 40
79 Naazi-‘aat (Those Who Drag Forth) Makki 46
80 Abasa (He Frowned) Makki 42 Disputed
81 Takwir (The Overthrowing) Makki 29
82 ‘Infitar (The Cleaving) Makki 19
83 Tatfif (Defrauding) Makki 36 Disputed
84 ‘Inshiqaq (The Sundering) Makki 25
85 Buruuj (The Mansions of the Stars) Makki 22
86 Taariq (The Morning Star) Makki 17
87 Al-Ala (The Most High) Makki 19
88 Ghashiyah (The Over whelming) Makki 26
89 Al-Fajr (The Dawn) Makki 30 Disputed
90 Balad (TheCity) Makki 20
91 Ash-Shams (The Sun) Makki 15
92 Al-Lail (The Night) Makki 21 Disputed
93 Ad-Duha (The Morning Hours) Makki 11
94 Inshiraah (Solace) Makki 8
95 Tiin (The Fig) Makki 8
96 Al-Alaq (The Cloth) Makki 19
97 Al-Qadr (Power) Makki 5 Disputed
98 Bayyinah (The Clear Proof) Madani 8 Disputed
99 Zilzaal (The Earthquake) Madani 8 Disputed
100 ‘Aadi-yaat (The Coursers) Makki 11
101 Al-Qariah (The Calamity) Makki 11
102 Takasur (Rivalry in Worldly Increase) Makki 8
103 Al-Asr (The Declining Day) Makki 3
104 Humazah (The Traducer) Makki 9
105 Al-Fil (The Elephant) Makki 5
106 Al Quraish (‘Winter’s Quraysh’) Makki 4
107 Maa-‘uun (Small Kindness) Makki 7
108 Al Kausar (Abundance) Makki 3
109 Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers) Makki 6
110 An-Nasr (Succour) Madani 3 Disputed
111 Al-Lahab (Palm Fibre) Makki 5
112 Ikhlas (The Unity) Makki 4 Disputed
113 Al-Falaq (The Daybreak) Makki 5 Disputed
114 Al-Naas (Mankind) Makki 6

Difference Between Makki & Madni Surahs?

We will explain the fundamental differences between the Makki and Madani Surahs. Both Makki and Madani Surah have traits that distinguish them from one another.

During the month of Ramadan, the Quran was revealed to the Holy Prophet PBUH for the first time. The first revelation consists of the first five ayahs of Surah Alaq or Iqra, the 96th Surah. After a brief pause, angel Jibrail arrived and recited to the Holy Prophet PBUH the first few ayahs of the 74th Surah (Surah Al-Mudassir). For the next twenty-three years, revelations continued in Makkah and Madinah.

Makki Surah In Quran

The Holy Quran Surahs are classified as Makki or Madni depending on when they were revealed.  The Holy Prophet PBUH spent the first thirteen years of his mission in Makkah, and all surahs during this time are referred to as Makki.

Every Surah that has a Sajdah is a Makki Surah. Except for Surah Al-Baqarah, every Surah in which the tale of Adam (A.S) and Iblis (Shaitan) is mentioned is Makki.

Makki Surah refers to surahs having brief verses, a strong rhetorical style, and a rhythmic sound.

The Makki surahs are short and deal with faith in Allah, the Day of Judgement, reward and punishment, and heaven and hell. They are concerned with moral character and offer a call to virtue.

Characteristics of Makki Surahs

Makki Surahs are usually short. They generally state the following:

  • Belief in Allah’s unification.
  • Belief in the Day of Judgement
  • Belief in good deeds being rewarded and bad deeds being punished.
  • Belief in the existence of Heaven and Hell.
  • A person’s moral character.
  • Invitation to virtue.
  • These surahs contain the verses for which Sujud is required.
  • The verses that begin with the word “Never!” (Arabic: kalla) and the verses that come before and after it are Makki.
  • Muqatta’at is the first sura in this collection.
  • These surahs are short, and the verses are as well.
  • Makki surahs are primarily concerned with monotheism, denouncing polytheism.
  • In the verses, there is very little legislation.
  • These verses contain numerous references to prophetic stories (Qisas al-Anbiya).
  • The eloquence of the verses is amazing.
  • “O mankind!” and “O Children of Adam!” are the most common greetings in the passages.

Madani Surah In Quran

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) relocated to the city of Madina. The surahs revealed during his ten years there are known as Madni Surahs. Surahs from Madina focused on establishing Islamic rules, monetary transactions, ethics, family laws, morals, and the relationship between Islam and Muslims and other global religions. The principal sign of Madani Surah is that contains permission for “jihad” or an explanation of its injunctions.

Similarly, every verse that names hypocrites is a Madani Surah, and every verse that mentions the People of the Book is a Madani Surah, with debates with the People of the Book (Jews, Christians). Madani surahs are usually quite long.

Characteristics of Madani Surah

Madani Surah Characteristics are substantially different from Makki Surah Characteristics. These chapters are also usually quite long. They include:

  • Social responsibilities and obligations
  • Permission and Jihad-related commandments.
  • These surahs largely describe the obligations and punishments (hadd).
  • The fundamental characteristics of these surahs are that they express social, legal, governmental, and war and peace rules.
  • The suras are long, and the verses are longer.
  • The first verse begins with the line “O you who believe!”
  • The incorrect ideas of “people of the book” (Arabic: Christians and Jews) are outlined in these verses, and they are then called to Islam.
  • The verses describe the hypocrites’ (Munafiqun) status and deeds, as well as the Prophet’s (s) and Muslims’ attitudes toward them.

The aforementioned traits are not exact and are not always true, and there are exceptions to each of them. Surah al-Baqara (Qur’an 2), for example, tells the story of Prophet Adam (a), but it is not Makki. Surah al-Nasr (Qur’an 110) is short, as are its verses and the state of the surah is similar to the Makki ones, but it is Madani.

Disputed Surahs

Surahs that were partially revealed in Makkah and partially revealed in Medina are disputed Surahs.

There are a total of 82 undisputed Makki Surahs in the Quran, as well as 20 undisputed Madani Surahs. Twelve surahs are disputed, with certain parts revealed in Makkah and the rest in Medina.

As there are 114 surahs in the Quran we have made this table of the total number of Makki and Madani surahs in the Quran, and the number of verses in each surah. In contrast, we have also mentioned the disputed surahs that were revealed in both Makkah & Madina.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Which is the longest Makki Surah in the Quran?

The longest Makki Surah (a Surah revealed in Mecca) in the Quran is Surah Al-Baqarah. Surah Al-Baqarah is the second chapter of the Quran and contains 286 verses (Ayat), making it the longest chapter in the entire Quran.

Q2. Which are Makki surahs?

Makki Surahs are the chapters of the Quran that were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) while he was in Mecca before the migration to Medina. Some examples of Makki Surahs include Surah Al-Fatiha, Surah Al-Baqarah, Surah Al-Imran, Surah Al-Maidah, Surah Al-An’am, and many others. They generally focus on the fundamental teachings of Islam, such as the oneness of Allah, the prophethood of Muhammad, and the Day of Judgment.

Q3. How many surahs are makki?

There are a total of 86 Makki Surahs (chapters) in the Quran. The remaining Surahs are classified as Madani, as they were revealed in Medina.

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