Jummah is known as Friday in English Calendar is considered the holiest day of the week in the Islamic Calendar.
On this day, many Muslims around the world gathered in mosques for prayer. Many Muslims spend the day with their family, attend prayer, and rest on this day, however, habits vary. Commercial activity always resumes following Friday prayers, although most individuals in Muslim-majority nations take the day off.
Many folks who don’t have time to visit the mosque throughout the week will make an extra effort to attend Friday prayers. In nations where the call to prayer is broadcast by loudspeakers, whole cities will be drowned out. Sermons are frequently aired openly, and congregations in many cities, including Western nations like France, pour into the streets near mosques.
Crowded cities are frequently vacant and silent until the prayers when filling up with people having fun. Quran and Hadith show a strong emphasis on the prayer of Jummah. What does Quran says about Jummah is mentioned in this article below,
Dua after Jummah Prayer
In the framework of the Islamic worship system, Dua is an Arabic phrase that means “to summon someone.”
Dua refers to a circumstance in which a person seeks something from Allah Almighty. In this regard, Dua is highly essential in the lives of Muslims since it is a conversation with Allah Almighty in which we express our wants and seek His assistance in resolving our issues.
Dua is a form of worship as well as a surrender of our needs to Allah Almighty. In one Hadith, the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah Almighty be upon him, regarded the Dua as the essence of devotion.
There are many Dua that are related to the Jummah prayer and after the Jummah prayer. These Dua’s are mentioned in Quran and Hadith. Some of them are mentioned below;
- ”O Allah, I am resorting to You with my needs, and I am putting in Your presence my poverty, my indigence, and my deprivation. Verily, I hope for Your forgiveness more than I rely on my deeds. Indeed, Your forgiveness and Your mercy are more inclusive than my sins are. So, (please) embark on settling all my needs out of Your power over them, out of the easiness for You to do that, and out of my urgent need for that. Verily, I have not gained any good thing save from You and none could ever repel evil from me save You. I hope for none to stand for me in my affairs of this world and the Next World and on the day of my poverty, when people will leave me alone in my hole (i.e. grave) and I will then confess my sins before You, except You.” (Al Quran)
- ”O Allah, (please do) let Your blessings and the blessings of Your angels and Messengers be on Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad.” (Imam Jafar al Sadiq quoted this Dua)
- It is also recommended to recite Surah al-Kafirun (No. 109) and Surah al-Qadr (No. 97) after the Jummah prayer.
- Many renowned Islamic scholars also recommend reciting Durood Sharif (Durood Ibrahimi)before and after Jummah prayers.
Many Muslims around the globe recite many Dua’s after the Jummah prayer. Many sects of Islam recommend different kinds of Dua’s after Jummah prayer.
Religious Significance of Jummah
The importance of Friday as a hallowed day of prayer is mentioned in the Qur’an in a chapter called “Al-Jumah,” which means “the day of assemblage,” and is also the Arabic term for Friday. “O you who believe!” it says.
When invited to congregational (Friday) prayer, rush to God’s memory and abandon the trade. That would be better for you if you only knew.” This verse of the Quran mentions the importance of Jummah and the Jummah prayer.
Many Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also show the importance of Jummah prayer.
- According to Abu Huraira, Allah’s Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him) said: “When any of you performs prayer after Jumu’a, he should observe four rak’ahs”. (The term minimum is not documented in the hadith delivered by Jarir).
- Suhail narrated on Abu Huraira’s authority that the Messenger of Allah (Peace Be Upon Him) said: When you observe prayer after (the two required raklabs) of Jumu’a, you should observe four rak’ahs (and ‘Amr in his narration has added that Ibn Idris stated this on the authority of Suhail): If you are in a hurry, you should do two rak’ahs at the mosque and two when you come home (to your house).
These Hadiths show the importance of Jummah prayer. Many caliphs organize the Jummah prayers by themselves. They usually stop their work and meetings on Jummah day and pray and after prayer, they resume their work.