Every Muslim should be aware of the date and history of Shab e Barat. For Muslims, Shab E Barat is an important day. Shab e Barat was observed on the 15th day of the 8th month (Shaban) of Hijri. In Islam, the night of Barat, also known as Shab e Barat night of forgiveness, is the night on which the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) of Islam prayed a lot for Muslim Ummah. He prayed to Allah that night. This Barat night is marked with adoration and worship for Muslims.
On Shab e Barat, Muslims believe that all Muslims pray to Allah for forgiveness and blessings so that they might be free of Jahannam. This is why the night of freedom is named after this day. It is possible to be free of sins.
Meaning of Shab e Barat
The meaning of shab e barat varies depending on who you ask. The literal translation of ‘shab,’ a Farsi term that means ‘night.’ When we translate the Arabic term ‘barat,’ it signifies freedom. To put it another way, it’s the split of a relationship.
Barat, on the other hand, is a Farsi term that meaning fortune. As a result, the meaning might be translated as “the night of independence,” “the night of dissolving relationships,” or “the night of fortune” (if barat takes as farsi). Keep in mind that lailat al quadar and lailat al barat are not synonymous.
History of Shab e Barat
Shab e Barat is known as the night of repentance or pardon, and it is on this night that the record of humans who will be born and die this year is compiled.
As Allah’s Messenger told Hazrat Ayesha (R.A) about the midnight of Shaban:
“in it, the record is made of every human being who will be born, and of every human being who will pass away this year. In it, their deeds are taken up to heaven and in their provisions are sent down.”
In different regions of the world, Laylat ul Barat is observed in various ways. Even the name of the night varies from country to country. Shab e Barat is the name given to it in Pakistan and India. It is pronounced Nim Sha’ban in Iran. In Malay-speaking nations, the night is known as Nim Sha’ban. This night was given the name Berat Kandili by the Turkish people.
Some people mix up the Shab-e-Barat festival and the Shia Mid-Sha’ban celebration since they both happen at the same time. However, Shab-e-Barat rites and customs vary from place to place, but Mid-Sha’ban is celebrated in the same way all over the world. A joyous nightlong vigil with prayers is held in honour of Barat. It is a night when one’s departed ancestors are remembered in most places. Shab-e-Barat is a prominent festival in the Islamic calendar, during which Muslims gather to pray and beg forgiveness for their sins.
The Sunni Muslim community believes that God alone preserved Noah’s Ark from the deluge on this day. This is why people all throughout the world commemorate Shab e Barat. For the Muslim community, this is one of the most important celebrations. Muslims believe that during the night of Shab e-Barat, God pens the fates of all men for the future year, taking into consideration their previous actions.
When Shab e Barat is Celebrated?
Shab-e-Barat is a notable Muslim celebration that takes place on the 15th night (the night between the 14th and 15th) of the month of Sha’ban, the Islamic calendar’s 8th month. This wonderful night begins at sunset on Shaban 14th and finishes at daybreak on Shaban 15th. Different nations celebrate this day in distinct ways, and each has a different name for it. The Shia Mid-Sha’ban Mahdi birthday holiday is celebrated at the same time as Shab-e-Barat, however, Barat has a distinct origin.
How is Shab e Barat Celebrated?
The holiday of Shab-E-Barat is celebrated at night, thus the skies light up. To add to the festival’s festive atmosphere, candles and strings of electric bulbs are used to light up houses and streets.
In the celebration of Shab-E-Barat, colorful fireworks continue to dazzle the heavens. This is related to the idea that throughout the night, Allah records the fates of all living beings for the following years in the skies.
People remain up all night, offering Shab e Barat Nawafil, performing Zikar, reciting the Quran, pleading for Allah’s mercy, and appealing for salvation from Hellfire. This is the night when God decides the fate of mankind.
Shab e Barat in Light of Quran and Sunnah
It should be observed that the Holy Quran makes no reference to Shab-E-Barat. Sura Dukhan, on the other hand, specifies Laila Mubaraka, which is Shab-E-Barat, according to knowledgeable scholars of the Holy Quran and Hadith.
Due to its significance, Shab-e-Barat is one of the most valuable nights in the Islamic calendar (Greatness).
Once upon a time, our beloved Holy Prophet stayed in sajdah for a long period. The Sajdah was so long that our Prophet’s loving wife, Hazrat Ayesha (R.A), got concerned for her husband. When the Prophet finished his prayer, he told Hazrat Ayesha (R. A) about his long Sajdah and said,
“Ayesha, do you realize the importance of that night?” It’s the middle of Shaban night (a month before Ramadan). Allah Almighty has agreed to accept “Tauba” from his creation (man and women). In that night, Allah Almighty forgives criminals who seek forgiveness.”
Sayyida Aisha (R.A) said:
“on the middle night of Sha’ban (Shab-e-Barat), Allah most high descends to the lowest heaven and remits more sins than the hair of the goats of Banu Qalb.”(
Tirmidhi Shareef).
Hazrat Ali (R.A) related, Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) said:
“when the 15th night of Sha’ban arrive, awake for qayam, offer nawafil and fast that day”.
Allah states in the Quran
“Indeed, Allah likes those who approach to Him in repentance and cleanse themselves.”
“He who fears ALLAH shall be reminded,” according to a lovely phrase in the Quran.
(Quran Al’Ala, verse 87;10)
Shab e barat is pounding on your door, therefore open your heart and take advantage of the great opportunity to transform your own and others’ fates. May ALLAH bestow his incalculable blessings on the whole faithful. Ameen.