Salatul Hajat Prayer
Salatul Hajat is a prayer for a specific wish, known as a nafl prayer. It is recommended to be recited for the fulfillment of any particular purpose. Salatul Hajat is simply two rakat of Nafil Namaz, with no special Dua or Surah.
This prayer is recited to Allah to help those with pressing needs. It is believed that this prayer improves the person’s spiritual well-being, mental health, and physical health. Reciting this prayer on time and as prescribed is considered a good deed. There are lots of benefits of salatul hajat.
In this blog, we look at the meaning and purpose of this salat, the recommended time to recite it, and how to perform it.
Meaning of Salatul Hajat
The word Hajat means “to wish” in Arabic. Salatul Hajat is a special prayer consisting of two rakats or units of prayer. It is typically recited when making a wish or asking for Allah’s help to achieve a specific goal.
Purpose of Salatul Hajat
Have you ever felt hopeless? Like you’ve tried everything, and there’s just no way out? That’s when you turn to Dua. Dua is the act of requesting Allah, and it is often seen as the last resort because it is compelling. Dua can help you resolve any conflict or issue if you have faith.
Salatul Hajat is a prayer to ensure that your prayer goes to heaven. This prayer is essential to Muslims because it helps them remember their connection to Allah and the importance of their relationship with him.
How to Pray Salatul Hajat?
For performing these prayers or namaz, there is a particular format that has to be followed. Here’s a quick guide on how to pray salatul-hajat.
- The person performing Salat-ul-Hajat has to start by making Wudhu. Wudhu is a cleansing ritual performed as an essential part of purity and cleanliness in Islam.
- After this, two rakats are performed with the intention of Nafl Salaat.
- Once the salat is completed, the reciting of prayer to Allah SWT and Durood Shareef starts.
- It is considered reasonable to Tasbeeh (Tasbeeh Fatima)and Durood Shareef as much as possible in Islam.
- Once this is done, making a keen Dua e Hajat is compulsory. This helps in the fulfillment of one’s requirement or obscurity.
Which things should we consider while performing salaut hajat?
There are certain things you should do to be prepared before you start praying.
- You should be clean, wearing neat clothes, and fulfilling the criterion of proper etiquette.
- It would help if you chose a clean place away from noise and distractions.
- You should remain focused when talking to the Almighty, believing in His compassionate and kind character.
- Additionally, with great humility and meekness, you should ask for His help.
- The goal of this prayer is to seek justice while asking Allah SWT for guidance because when someone requests from the Almighty Lord, they must do so with reverence.
Best time To Perform Salatul hajat?
This prayer can be performed at any time of day. But it is considered most powerful when said during the final third part of the night after or before Pray Tahajjud Prayer. After performing the Witr namaz, reciting this dua can help to bring guidance and protection.
Should we pray to Salatul Hajat at any specific time?
No, there isn’t any specific time to pray Salatul Hajat, but it should be avoided being prayed at times forbidden by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ :
Can we offer salatul hajat after fajar or Asr prayer?
This voluntary prayer is meant to be offered for specific needs. It is disliked to provide this prayer during the times of day when Fajr and Asr prayers are typically offered. However, many virtues are associated with reciting Surah al Kahf on Friday.
Salat Hajat Dua
The dua that is said in Salatul-Hajat is a salat for need. Regarding Salatul Hajat dua, Abdullah ibn Abi Awfa narrates:
The Messenger of Allah said, “Whoever has a need with Allah, or with any human being, then let them perform ritual ablutions and then pray two rakats. After that, let them praise Allah and send blessings (Durood) on the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).“
Laaa i-la-ha il-lal-la-hul-Ha-leemul kareem.
Sub-hanallahi rabi-bil `arshil `azeem.
Wal-Hamdu-Lil-la-hi rabbil-`Alameen.
As’aluka muji-bati rah-ma-tik, wa `a-zaaa ‘i-ma mag-fira-tik, wal gha-nee-mata min kul-li birr, was-sa-la-mata min kul-li ithm.
La ta-da` li dhan-ban il-la gha-far-tah, wala ham-man il-la far-raj-tah, wala day-nan il-la ka-day-tah, wala hajatam-min ha-wa i-jid-dunya wal-aaa-khi-rah.
He-ya laka ri-dan il-la qa-day-taha yaaa ar-ha-mar-ra-he-meen.
There is no god but Allah the Clement and Wise. There is no god but Allah the High and Mighty. Glory be to Allah, Lord of Tremendous Throne. All praise is to Allah, Lord of the worlds. I ask you (O Allah) everything that leads to your mercy and tremendous forgiveness, enrichment in all good, and freedom from all sin. Please do not leave a sin of mine (O Allah), except that you forgive it, nor any concern except that you create for it an opening, nor any need in which there is your good pleasure except that you fulfill it, O Most Merciful!
What If I Don’t Accept the Authenticity of This Salah?
Though there may be some debate among scholars, some people find it challenging to make this prayer a part of their lives. It’s important to remember that the only reason to perform Nafil prayers is to purify one’s heart from wrongdoing and become closer to Allah SWT by attaining His blessings. This prayer isn’t obligatory, so leaving it out of your life won’t displease Allah SWT. You can still turn to Allah SWT in supplication in many ways and at many times mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah.
Final Words
When we pray Salat-ul-Hajat, we ask Allah for help with our specific needs and desires. This prayer is different from other prayers because it is brief and to the point. By praying Salat-ul-Hajat, we learn how to ask Allah correctly and respectfully. May Allah SWT guide us in our prayers and help us to attain our goals! Ameen.
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