Conversion Rate Optimization is a discipline that aims to get a more significant percentage of visitors who arrive at a website to take action and become customers. Sometimes, because conversion optimization includes the term “optimization,” it can be confused with other disciplines such as PPC and SEO, which is the set of techniques that seek to increase positions in the search results of search engines such as Google, with the aim of visitors to the web.

But conversion optimization has a different purpose. It is the set of techniques that aim to increase sales, leads, or any conversion. It focuses on achieving an optimal conversion rate. Among the various definitions that exist and try to explain conversion optimization, many people agree that this discipline seeks to get more actions from users that generate income from the same number of visitors.

In this blog, you will learn the basic steps to get started results on Conversion Rate Optimization. They are 5 in number, and these are foundational steps you need to see the desired results.

Step 1 – Make a Global analysis of website performance to optimize conversion.

It is essential to have a global analysis of the performance of the web. In this phase, we will need to prepare a detailed report by the company’s web analyst that includes a global study of the website’s performance.The analyst will provide us with data relevant to web traffic to define the critical points in the navigation to establish which areas of the web we should focus our attention on.

For example, we can define vanishing points;

Likewise, to capture records, we can consider how to increase them by examining what we can improve on the pages of the posts or the blog.
The result will be preparing a list of the landing pages with the best performance ordered from highest to lowest. It will serve as a guide to structure other pages, and, in addition, it will allow us to understand which content is the one that generates the most visits and conversions. When we move on to the experimentation phase, these landing pages will be our essential guide.

Step 2 – Analyze possible improvements in the writing of the content

Another critical point that affects low conversion rates is the quality of the content. Once the best landing pages of our site have been selected, we can carry out a brief content audit that includes:
Internal analysis
External analysis
This content audit must analyze:

Step 3 – Define objectives and establish hypotheses for improving the website.

Based on the two previous steps, we have to define the points for improvement by setting particular objectives that will function as a roadmap of the aspects of the web that we want to improve. It is time to design the experiments that we will use to make this improvement feasible according to the formulation of hypotheses.
Examples of hypotheses
Tests A/B

An A / B test allows us to modify an element of the page design to offer a more intuitive browsing experience. It also allows us to change the calls to action, copies, or distribution of content, to understand better what it is that enables users to do the action we expect. These types of experiments also provide us with knowledge of our business, and business intelligence because they make us better understand the needs of our users. We can apply A / B tests on the home page, the product pages, the contact page, and the landing pages designed to capture records. In these experiments, we will test the hypotheses formulated above.

Step 4 – Define the changes to make

Once the tests’ results have been obtained, we can prepare a list of critical improvements to implement in the selected landing pages, which can apply to the entire web.

Step 5 – Measure the results obtained.

Once the changes have been applied, we have to be attentive to these pages that have been improved to analyze very closely. To do this, we will need the help of the web analyst to see if it has indeed improved its performance and if, in short, we have managed to increase the conversion.

Final Thoughts

As sociobliss the digital marketing company in Mumbai believes that conversion rate optimization is essential to business growth. Every business owner who uses PPC needs to make sure they constantly improve their conversion rate for better results. I believe all we have shared can help you implement conversion optimization in your business and improve your conversions. It is a job that requires a lot of patience, and in some cases, it can be somewhat tedious due to the amount of data and aspects that must be analyzed and taken into account. But I assure you that if you take it easy and improve all the conversion processes of your website seriously, you will obtain benefits in your results in the long run.

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